Friday, November 03, 2006

Why Once Upon a India??

Well I know this was supposed to be one of my first blogs but I have no clue why I didn't post it!! Its not a big deal but it all goes back when I was in School and I was a member of the Amman Baptist School Band, one of the band members called Yazan A. He used to call me India, he used to translate some words literally and use them in his sentences which is very funny because my name is Hind translated India, so it kind of stuck with me till now all the band members call me India I got used to it.... Its good that they didn't get to my grandfathers name (Nakhleh) which will be translated to PALM!!! Or my family name (SABANEKH) it'll end up to be SPINACH... (3elet sar5asyat) so I thought India in comparison with those two is fine!! India Palm Spinach..... Interesting thinking about it Popeye might be one of my ancestors.......


lubna said...

lol... i bet it's Askhar, Yazan ha?
lol I didn't know that, it's so funny, and your name, i never thought of it's translation, you were always hind sabane5 to me. The last name hit me once before, but not your first or middle names:)

Glad to read you more, it's been a long time

Hind Sabanekh said...

lol you're right its him!!! yes it has been a long time!! i miss you all