Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Our music, Our Jordan

The other day I was asked by a bunch of extremely important people about my field of study in university, I answered with all the pride in the world glittering in my eyes and voice “ I’m a 3rd year Music student Trumpet major at the National Music Conservatory.’’ And they all had the same reply music in Jordan and a Conservatory in AMMAN???
What are you talking about Hind this is nonsense don’t waste your time and your money go study something descent in a university!!!! People here don’t deserve art, they’ll never learn and never will understand and develop (3omorhom ma bet3alamo wala beseeru)
Oh hell yeah that’s correct and so true. If our beloved country is filled with people like you we’ll never be and never learn!! I calmly replied to defend everything I stand for and believe in my MUSIC: “What do you want me to study in university? English, marketing, business…etc our country is filled with those majors and graduates can’t find work; they don’t need me to add to their unemployed citizens list!!! If you only knew your country and culture well enough you’ll know what I’m doing in studying music.” Deep inside I thought why am I wasting time on such ignorant people with money in their pockets and nothing in their brains! But then it came back to me… those are exactly the people that need to understand that music isn’t what’s seen on T.V in video clips, music is in a sense a summation activity for the expression of values, and the psychology of a culture is exposed in its music. A great philosopher once said that “if you want to learn about the culture of a certain civilization listen to its music.”
Our Jordanian/Palestinian traditional music reveals a lot about our culture and life during the time this music has developed and evolved, but its our duty to keep it alive, unfortunately if we don’t two or three generations from now all of this music will be buried under the ground! Or God forbids history will repeat it self and what once happened with our knowledge and science will happen to our music, another civilization will come and steal it from us, and we‘ll actually do nothing about it and they say that its theirs and add it to their list of achievements and repertoire. People from all over the world come to learn Arabic music here in Jordan; they find it very difficult to understand and perform yet so nice and touching.

I’m not asking you to start buying Jordanian music and listen to it day and night, its only about knowing your Jordan, your culture, for its all in our music, teach it to your children and one day hopefully your children will teach it to theirs. This way we’ll keep it alive, clean, and maybe spread it every where, but most important of all keep it ours let it not loose its identity and be affected with what you’re calling now a days “music” for it’s a shame.
This is our music, our Jordan: yesterday, today, and Tomorrow……

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