Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What a Day!!

So far nothing is going well! Mom is not in town so I'm home alone :D woke up and found that there's no gas! And no hot water, and my younger brother Hussam has deleted my Need For Speed Carbon account on the PS2 because he neede space on the card and I had 40% done! So i guess all that is kind of good until i went out and i found out that my elder brother Nichola has parked Sameera (my car) somewhere and it got bumped! (yeah why would he care he's getting a new car soon) oh and then sameera decided that she needs some juice, and refused to go anywhere unless she got some luckily i know how tto do it and i got the tools for it!!hehe! I'm waaay beyond schedule here! Better go get ready for the concert!

this is Sameera ili mu radyeh tishtaghel!!

bas hala2 a7san sarat il7amdila! hehe


Anonymous said...

Salamet-ha la samaeera .. and good luck today at the concert ... :)

Hind Sabanekh said...

allay ysalmek :) the concert was amaizing and the performance and everything it went so smoothly :) the orchestra sounded so good like never before! Heaven's here on earth! i just came back i'm still musically high!

Anonymous said...

Hind, no fair enticing us with concerts we can't attend!:) But congrats!

Anonymous said...

this is not just a bad hair day, it is a full bad day, vrooom vroom vroom, woops no luck :-)

Hind Sabanekh said...

yup exactly dude! but without the vroom vroom vroom part! it only coughed and the battery was dead! hehe but the rest of the day was fine hehe i have to be thank ful that it was bad only until 19.30 then everything went fine... :)